Well here we are at the 33 week mark...I don't think it's hit me just yet. Actually - it HASN'T hit me. I am still feeling great minus the sciatic nerve but I'm not complaining cuz it could be worse! Baby is chugging along - stumping the doctors and I love it! They said I have to meet with the neonatologist this week but I'm not sure what we'll be talking about b/c everything that was an "issue" before...is pretty much nonexistent! They don't even look at/measure the back of his neck (nuchal fold) and the heart's still thicker than they'd like to see but overall it looks great. The ped. cardiologist uses the word "beautiful" quite often when he does my ultrasounds which cracks me up! So my kid is THICK - thick neck, thick heart, thick skin...what of it?! :~)
We have been taking a birthing class for 5 weeks called The Bradley Method. It's a 12 week course, every Wed for 2-2.5 hours and I love it! I took it for a couple reasons but I wanted to have Rod semi-prepared (he had been making some rather uneducated comments and it was starting to worry me) and since it focuses a lot on husband coaching, it was my best bet! With everything that's happened, I wanted to know my options b/c I'm sure there are quite a few ppl if they had been told what we were told...they would've terminated their pregnancy long ago - based on the doctors opinion. I'm not saying I'm smarter than a doctor - obviously I'm not...but I didn't want someone telling me I have to do this or that during labor! Last time I checked, it's my body and my birthing experience. Do I sound crazy yet?! :~)
The nursery is still coming along but I had to show off Rod's skills. He spent 3 Saturdays taping, painting, measuring, sawing, nailing & caulking and here are a few pics. I LOVE IT! He also installed the chair rail and painted the dresser & assembled the crib and the storage unit. I taped some and painted the last coat on the top of the dresser just so I could say I touched it. But the credit goes to my handy hubby.
Inilah Poster Sekolah Ramah Anak [Terbaru] ✅
3 years ago
I like it a lot! Is the top of the nursery wall going to stay the color it is? And you look so cute and not even that far along- Byron had the nerve to come back and say Jazz doesn't look hardly pregnant--obviously referring to his wife looking like she has a huge basketball taped to the front of her for the last half of the pregnancy! I just said, "Yeah, it's her boobs-- I don't have any of those, so I just look ginormous!"
You are the cutest ever! I am so happy for you guys. The nursery looks awesome. I NEED to come check it out in person this week- OK!?? :-)
So glad he is looking healthy! What a relief that must be for you guys!
The nursery is adorable! Loving the orange!
Love the belly and I can't wait to see him!! Great job, so far, on the nursery, you pick great colors and Rodney did great work!!
Cute room and cute you too! Good going Rod on the room! It's really cute and I'm glad to hear that things are going well.
Lovin' the nursery! So CUTE! I'm so excited for you to have your little boy...I'm learning that little boys can be fun too :) I'm sorry to hear you've had such a rough pregnancy, but I'm hoping & praying that things go smoothly from here on out for you guys!
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