Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mixed Emotions

I have em. I really do. I admit I cried countless nights the first couple of months here. I had just gotten married, moved across the country and didn't know a soul! Oh, did I mention I don't like change? I can't pack up, ship out and have the time of my life without a plan or a friend in tow. Props to ppl out there that have the courage to do that. . .that just ain't me.

Here I am, a week away from driving back across the country to a new house and all things familiarand I’m sad! Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally excited to be going back to the AZ but these past few years in GA have really been AMAZING! I have made some wonderful lifetime friends. I’ve lived and traveled to unbelievably beautiful east coast places. There are some great memories here that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Most importantly, living in GA was probably the greatest thing for Rod and I. Everyone said it’d be so great to get away from everyone and everything and just “BE US”. I didn’t know what that meant, but looking back I seethat if I had gained nothing else out of this experience THAT alone would’ve been worth it. I remember getting into a little scuffle with Rod a few weeks after we got here, snatching up my keys, slamming the door and hurrying down to my car. I started the ignition and then it dawned on me, “I have nowhere to go.” Awesometurned the car off, went back upstairs and worked it out. I’m not gonna get all blog-mushy about my hubby, but he really is the most kind-hearted, level-headed, unbelievably perfect man I could’ve asked for. I know I didn’t do anything to deserve the only other logical explanation is that he must’ve done something horrible to end up with me. Either wayhe’s all mine! Mwahaha!

To my GA friends: I love you, I’ll miss you, please don’t forget meI promise I will NEVER forget you.

To my AZ friends: I love you and I’ll see you soonwho’s meeting me at Sonic?


McGhan Family said...

As happy as i am that you're coming back to AZ, i definately understand the emotions. You're leaving the first place you lived as a real grown up with a grown up life. Heck i was sad just to move out of the first ward Logan and I and the girls were in as a family. And i'm so glad that you and Rod were able to spend 2 years alone...i told you it'd be great! But cheer up, there will be new great memories in your first house and new QC!! QC people are great! Good luck with the move and i can't wait to see your new house.

Kristin said...

Are you pregnant???--- because I refuse to get all sappy and cry over that ;-)

Unknown said...

Oh... we are excited you are coming back to AZ. Where are you going to live at?

Brittney said...

I hadn't heard that you guys were moving. Then again, I never hear anything anymore. :) Good luck with your move. We've moved 11 times so I certainly feel your pain but it's interesting how much you grow with each one of those changes so it's a good thing.

I'm glad that GA has been such a good experience for you. I agree that it's good to get away and get to be the two of you for a while. It certainly strengthens your marriage!

Elisha Wiggins said...

We are going to miss you guys! I'm glad that it has been a good experience to be here in GA! Thanks for your friendship and for all of the laughs and fun.

Tatiana said...

Coming back to AZ is always exciting. But what an experience to live somewhere other then our little bubble! I can't wait to move out of state and meet new people and new friends. Welcome home! And p.s. love your last post about baby showers! I think the same thing. It's awesome.

Kara Jones said...

I am so happy you were sad to leave Georgia. yes you read that right- your sadness=my happiness. You were less than thrilled to move away from home for the first time and the fact that you are gonna miss the peach state is a good sign, shows you didn't waste the last 2 years sulking. Good for you sis, way to get you some character! i am sure folks are gonna miss you. I am looking forward to free babysitting. just kidding. absolutely just kidding, but seriously could you watch G-baby from 8-5 this wednesday...???

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous that you get to move back to AZ. Remember me will ya? :)