More widely known as Ashlie (Bjorklund) Leavitt - is another year older! - I have made a small list of some of my favorite things about her!
*We have lived, worked and hung out all in the same time frame and we NEVER fought!
* Her makeup is organized quite a TACKLE BOX :~)
* She is a movie lush, and quotes them constantly
* I loved being able to tell ppl that my roomie was the fake stomach tattoo girl on the "Tumor Causing, teeth staining, smelly, puking habit" campaign!
* It doesn't matter what kinda foreign accent it is...she can nail it
* If you wanna sit by someone in church that has candy - she's your girl
* Ash is amazing at making sure everyone feels included in a group - even if she's never met you before, she'll make you feel like you've been friends forever by the time she's done with you
* She is incredibly talented in the singing department...I loved driving and singing in the car with her!
* Her food orders are hilarious - take a trip to Subway with her and you will see what I mean. "Half of the meat, 3 pickles side by side, just one line of lite mayo, etc."
* So You Think You Can Dance ain't got NOTHIN' on this lady! *I have never met someone that can be so accident prone – yet so graceful – all at the same time! And she makes ANY injury look good!

* The girl is busy - but I know if I need her for any reason...she'd be at my doorstep in a heartbeat.
Love you Ash!!!
JASMINE!!!!! I am so glad to see you joined the blogging world! This is such a neat post you dedicated to Ashley- she is such a cute and sweet girl.
I cannot wait to get your invitation in the mail- you guys look good together- I am soo happy for you!
Oh and I am going to add you to my blog if that is cool ;-)
WOW...I feel so dang flippin lucky that I, Ashlie Leavitt, got highlighted on your blog! I knew we were BFF's for a reason:) for sure! I love your guts out and you were the best room mate I ever had...even better than Nathan cuz you clean more than he does:). But shhhh, don't tell him.
Muah, I love you and I can't wait for Vegas!
Ash is so sweet! Say hi to her next time you see her for me!
AWHHhh!!! :o)
Jasmine!it's so good to hear from you. I am so excited for you, married life is the best. our address is 696 wymount terr. provo, ut 84604 can't wait to get your announcement.
I'm glad Vegas was fun! Sorry I wasn't there I don't think you girls would want a Sick Prego. there. Just kidding! but I'm looking forward to Cheese Cake Factory
email me then I'll get you my address.
My email is
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