Monday, October 8, 2007

"Ash Buhgash Kiss My Trash"

More widely known as Ashlie (Bjorklund) Leavitt - is another year older! - I have made a small list of some of my favorite things about her!

*We have lived, worked and hung out all in the same time frame and we NEVER fought!
* Her makeup is organized quite a TACKLE BOX :~)
* She is a movie lush, and quotes them constantly
* I loved being able to tell ppl that my roomie was the fake stomach tattoo girl on the "Tumor Causing, teeth staining, smelly, puking habit" campaign!
* It doesn't matter what kinda foreign accent it is...she can nail it
* If you wanna sit by someone in church that has candy - she's your girl
* Ash is amazing at making sure everyone feels included in a group - even if she's never met you before, she'll make you feel like you've been friends forever by the time she's done with you
* She is incredibly talented in the singing department...I loved driving and singing in the car with her!
* Her food orders are hilarious - take a trip to Subway with her and you will see what I mean. "Half of the meat, 3 pickles side by side, just one line of lite mayo, etc."
* So You Think You Can Dance ain't got NOTHIN' on this lady! *I have never met someone that can be so accident prone – yet so graceful – all at the same time! And she makes ANY injury look good!

* The girl is busy - but I know if I need her for any reason...she'd be at my doorstep in a heartbeat.
Love you Ash!!!


Anonymous said...

JASMINE!!!!! I am so glad to see you joined the blogging world! This is such a neat post you dedicated to Ashley- she is such a cute and sweet girl.
I cannot wait to get your invitation in the mail- you guys look good together- I am soo happy for you!

Oh and I am going to add you to my blog if that is cool ;-)

AshandNate said...

WOW...I feel so dang flippin lucky that I, Ashlie Leavitt, got highlighted on your blog! I knew we were BFF's for a reason:) for sure! I love your guts out and you were the best room mate I ever had...even better than Nathan cuz you clean more than he does:). But shhhh, don't tell him.
Muah, I love you and I can't wait for Vegas!

Natalie said...

Ash is so sweet! Say hi to her next time you see her for me!

The Gotzingers said...

AWHHhh!!! :o)

Adell said...

Jasmine!it's so good to hear from you. I am so excited for you, married life is the best. our address is 696 wymount terr. provo, ut 84604 can't wait to get your announcement.

Natalie said...

I'm glad Vegas was fun! Sorry I wasn't there I don't think you girls would want a Sick Prego. there. Just kidding! but I'm looking forward to Cheese Cake Factory

RegaNater said...

email me then I'll get you my address.

My email is