It's def. been awhile...I have no new pictures that I can think of and Rod is in the other room playing "Call of Duty 4" on Xbox Live w/ his brother that's in I'm in here...trying to pass the time. A couple of new things that have happened since getting back from AZ:
I started working with a new company....and it just so happens to be for....
That's right - the same company that has employed my husband for almost 7 years now! It's really close to our apartment, the office staff is small - like 4 of us and I get to see Rod ALL DAY LONG! haha! Some ppl may not think this is such a good idea but I've successfully worked & lived with ppl simultaneously and never had a problem...I'm hoping for the same this time around! :~) He may be the boss at work...but we ALL know who's boss at home!
So after a LONG day at work - together ofcourse...what better way to spend the evening than at

It's true - we joined a gym and it's about dang time! We drive by it every day so we figured it was meant to be. I was and still am very intimidated by the establishment they call a gym...but I feel much better knowing that Rod is there too. They have super nice raquetball courts and we took advantage of that tonight. This weekend we bought the raquets, the raquetballs and goggles...yes...goggles. I wear gas permeable lenses...aka "hard contacts" and if that ball comes back and hits me in the face, I will basically have an imbedded contact in my thanks. So as flamer as it looks to wear protective eyewear...I'm gonna sport it. Besides...there are plenty of other ppl that use them. Balding, middle-aged, tanktop loving men mostly but I'm willing to start a new trend! :~)

And Carrie, I know you requested a picture..but my camera battery is dead - soon enough my friend...soon enough.
I cant believe thats what they look like!! I thought we left our glasses know, in the past. (I sure did!! and I aint lookin back!!) haha I would love for you to have a puppy!! It would be like you having my child. :)
I went to LA Fitness in AZ and when I moved to MN I joined it up here too! I love that gym - they always have super nice facilities and the people are always friendly!
When is the next time you'll be in AZ? I'm going home again in May for a bit... hopefully we'll run into eachother!
Hope all is well!
jazz! you have a blog. and im a creep therefore i found it. amazing! come back to visit soon? sonic? project runway? we miss you!
Hey send me your email so I can add you to my blog!
hee hee... you wear goggles!!! I DEFINITELY wanna see some pictures!!!
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