Everyone once in awhile, an opportunity comes along that you just can't turn down. That was the case with our recent Costa Rica trip. To say this past year has been "rough" would be an understatement...so we justifiably rewarded ourselves.
On our way with "Sunshine" in tow. (Anais & Chad sent Cannon a care package while he was in the hospital and this lil' turtle was included...it wrapped around his ventilator and we now use it as a special reminder.
On 1 of our 2 attempts to find and feed some monkeys! Failed both times...but atleast the scenery was nice!
El Avion - literally a giant plane converted into a restaurant/pub on the side of the mountain in Quepos...Gibson is always willing to take a pic with us!
Palm tree on our beach that happened to be crawling with ants...still made Rod climb it to snap a pic! :~)
Vista Los Suenos Canopy Tour - AWESOME!!! Yes, I had to wear a man's harness :~(
So happy to be zip-lining!
What a view!
Quepos National Park- complete with sloths, anteaters, monkeys and iguanas.
Little Mermaid reenactment.
Typical Costa Rican cuisine in Jaco.
My main squeeze with fresh squeezed pineapple juice.
Little crabs and snails ALL over our beach!
Gibson and Lennox demonstrating our morning ritual
Griffith Park flashback...except that was over 20 years ago and involved enclosed rings and much smaller horses. I guess there was a language barrier when we told them how long ago we had ridden...bc that got us a pretty advanced jungle/beach tour. But we survived!
Cinderella and Luna (daughter & mother duo)
Rode to Tres Amigos
See that white house in the background...see the beach...yeah that's how close we were.
Fresh coconut water everyday! Delish and so good for you!
Wish I could just walk out in my skivvies and it be this cute, but it wouldn't be - so I didn't.
Thank you Kara and Q for inviting us! We had a BLAST!!